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1、Spelled a life without a reason, even run in the wind and rain, also want to let oneself smile!

2、Like this star is not last night, for whom the wind and dew stand in the middle of the night.

3、Dream big, work hard, and make it happen. 勇敢追逐梦想,努力付出,让它成真。

4、I would like to prove that every act of kindness and noble person,can so and bear their troubles.

5、Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person。

6、Life is like a journey, and every step forward is an accomplishment. 人生如同一段旅程,向前的每一步都是一次成就。BMrBh.cOm

7、It’s never too late to be what you might have been。

8、With the desire and the misty, empty as always.

9、People on the wisdom should be bright and clear,moral should be innocent,body should be clean.

10、How hard it is to love a person, only you know it best.

11、Around like a magnet attracts iron powder,also can attract the people around you,change the situation around.

12、Don’t worry too much about the ambiguous future,just make effort for explicit being present。

13、Laugh often, long and loud Laugh until you gasp for breath

14、Stupid people always regret yesterday,to pray for tomorrow,its a pity efforts of today.

15、Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable. 相信自己,你将无可阻挡。

16、The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. 成就伟大工作的唯一途径就是热爱自己的工作。如果还没有找到,继续寻找,不要停下来。

17、Not a race, but a trip. The race cares about the end, and the journey cares about the scenery.