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如果匹诺曹说你还爱我 他的鼻子会不会变长。即使是在黑暗处 ,阳光也能从缝隙里照进去,为了让大家在生活中充满力量。向别人传递正能量是非常有鼓励作用的,正能量句子帮助人们摆脱消极的情绪和情感,哪些正能量的句子值得我们学习和借鉴呢?也许下面的“适合发朋友圈正能量晚安短句英文”能满足你的需求,相信这些句子会对您有所助益!

1、You are so gentle, you take two steps, the wind will be sweeter. good night.

2、Its very windy tonight, but its not cold at all, because theres your smell in the wind. good night!

3、I am also used to your habits, like your like, good night, miss your missing.

4、Say good night to someone you like. Its the last sweetness of the day. good night.

5、I do not give up the courage to love, I do not doubt there will be sincere; I want to hold one of the most beautiful dream, to the future of their own.我不放弃爱的勇气,我不怀疑会有真心;我要握住一个最美的梦,给未来的自己。


7、Todays you are also hard, go home to have a good rest, good night.

8、You have to work in secret to be easy in front of people. good night!

9、To be kind, to be brave, to be like a little star, hard to shine, good night!

10、Live a good life. Well meet again at the right time. Good night.

11、Sometimes, only a tear, we can see the people in front of us, the road under our feet. good night.

12、春、夏、秋、冬,无论你来自繁华的地方还是宁静的地方,到处都可以看到春花秋草。只要你有心情,就可以翻山越岭。经过一个发人深省的过程,美好的事物会升华为最美的。在明暗的山河之间,只有心灵才能孕育出心中最美、最美的风景。 愿你舒舒服服睡好觉,梦游到桃花源中!

13、Im good at hiding myself. Im better at hiding how much I like you. Good night. Keep you in my heart.

14、When your talent can not support your ambition, then you should calm down to learn. good night!

15、我用手记起你的样子,用耳朵记起你的声音,用嘴唇记起你的品味,用眼睛记起你的滴水,用心灵记起一切,宝贝!我爱你,晚安! 先生的眼睛真好看,里面有漫天星光还有我。晚安,好梦。

16、Everyday: Going to bed with a dream; Waking up with a purpose. 每一天:伴着美梦入睡;带着目标醒来。

17、All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.如果我们有勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以成为现实。

18、Love is inevitable heart, but also difficult to recover like. good night.


20、It doesnt matter. I have the courage to be a bad person.

21、Im stupid, Im stupid, I have you who love me.

22、Quiet night, the moon round, the moon bright, take me, deep miss.

23、I dont want to hurt myself, and I dont want to embarrass you. good night!

24、Like you, is an addictive but not addictive thing. good night!

25、Love is a kind of mutual force, you love life, life will embrace you. good night.


27、如果匹诺曹说你还爱我 他的鼻子会不会变长。

28、Special love, for special you.



31、Ready to sleep a long sleep, dream of sweet you in the dream. good night!

32、The kind of relationship that can not be broken clean, and can not be as good as ever, is the most tormenting. good night.



35、Efforts: no matter how high the sky is, stand on tiptoe is closer to the sun. good night!


37、Go to bed early is good, say good night, ask Hello!

38、Its the things that fail, not the people. Good night.

39、There is no other God in the world but me.


41、I wish you no disaster, no difficulty, no I do not like.


43、充实自己 感染他人 快乐分享 言而有信