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National chains that once ignored Harlem now anticipate yuppie money and want pieces of th~~我想你对这样的句子比较感兴趣吧?下面是笔墨评语网的编辑精心收集整理,为你带来的温柔文案短句干净英文66句,希望能帮助到你的学习和工作!


1、Write the first two lines of Canada's national anthem?(写出加拿大国歌的首两行?)

2、Confederate artillery broke up the northern attack.(南方军的炮火粉碎了北方军的进攻。)

3、The traitor was dispatched by the conspirators.(这名叛徒被同谋者杀死了。)

4、Humans, says Edward M. Hallowell, have the ability to call up images of bad things that happened in the past and to anticipate future events.(爱德华·哈洛威尔说,人类有能力回忆过去发生的不好的事情,并预测未来的事件。)

5、Interestingly, parents' attitudes toward education do not seem to reflect their own educational background as much as a belief in the importance of education for upward mobility.(有趣的是,父母对教育的态度似乎并没有反映出他们自己的教育背景,而是反映出他们相信教育对向上晋升的重要性。)

6、She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room with an ashen face, as if he'd seen a fulminating witch, some kind of horror flick apparition.(她边笑边咳嗽,丈夫脸色苍白从房间里跑出来,好像他见到了一个暴怒的巫婆,像是某种恐怖片里的幽灵似的。)

7、For one thing, the app attrition rate is often a factor in calculating store sizes.(一方面,软件流失率通常作为估计应用商店规模的一个因素。)

8、He told his supporters: "we conducted a war of attrition against Russia for 10 years until they went bankrupt."(他告诉他的支持者:“我们和俄罗斯打了10年的消耗战,直到他们破产。”)

9、There was a time when movies about superheroes were dark and full of angst. Like "The dark Knight."(一直以来超级英雄的电影都是晦暗深沉充满焦虑,就像《黑暗骑士》。)

10、Complications include rebleeding, corneal blood staining, anterior synechiae, and glaucoma.(并发症包括再次出血,角膜血染,前房粘连,和青光眼。)

11、If one day you feel like arrant...(果有一天你想要哭。)

12、Nick likes to read comics.(尼克喜欢看连环漫画书。)

13、Timidity is the traitor betray our soul.(怯弱是出卖我们灵魂的叛徒。)

14、He paid a month's rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice.(他预交了一个月的房租,正好满足了房东的贪心。)

15、"What if there's nothing left at all?" he cried, lost in some intense existential angst.(“要是什么都没了会怎样?”他大叫起来,迷失在某种强烈的攸关人类存亡的痛苦中。)

16、The heavy artillery bombardment reduced the village to ruins.(猛烈的炮火使这个村庄变成一片废墟。)

17、She started going "woof woof."(她开始“汪汪”叫。)

18、feel funny carrying this doll around.(我抱着这个娃娃到处走有点滑稽。)

19、r did universities get extra money for the Bologna process, a source of much angst.(德国大学也没有因为博洛尼亚进程得到额外的钱,这是忧虑的另一个来源。)

20、He was once young but never youthful.(他也曾经年轻过,但从未有过青春。)

21、Among hundreds of old things, the now old little girl found her doll.(在几百件旧物件中,这个现已苍老的小女孩找到了她的洋娃娃。)

22、The market at present commonly used wind awning material properties are not very ideal, have strong wind weather more dangerous.(目前市场常用的雨篷材料防风性能都不太理想,遇到大风天气比较危险。)


23、Relax yourselves before you answer the question.(在回答这个问题之前先放松一下自己。)

24、Inevitably the transition will yield some sticky moments.(转型过程中难免会有棘手的时候。)

25、On the other side, diehard Mugabe fans think him a traitor.(另一方面,强硬的穆加贝支持者则视马科尼先生为叛徒。)

26、Boys and girls, believe in yourselves.(孩子们,相信你们自己。)

27、Today we’ll visit an artillery brigade from the Western Military District.(今天我们将参观俄罗斯西部军区的炮兵某旅。)

28、Orton, the 29th overall pick last June, partially tore the knee's anterior cruciate ligament during his junior year of high school in Oklahoma City.(奥尔顿,今年首轮29顺位,高一在奥克拉荷马城高中十字韧带部分撕裂。)

29、do love my job. But it should never annex my life.(我热爱我的工作,但它不应该成为我生活的全部。)

30、Perception is not simply a product of what your eyes or ears transmit to your brain.(感知不仅仅是你的眼睛或耳朵传递给大脑的产物。)

31、He wished to atone for the wrong he had done.(他希望为他从前所犯的过错赎罪。)

32、Her father was an English aristocrat.(她的父亲曾是英国贵族。)

33、In leisure time, my parents played with me and Coco.(在业余时间,我的父母和我和Coco一起玩耍。)

34、It's time for bed, little goose, little goose.(该睡觉啦,小小鹅,小小鹅。)

35、w that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.(如今,女性在大学生中占多数,其获得本科学位和高等学位的人数都超过了男性,因此人们可能会认为大学校园是一个相当平等的地方。)

36、She prodded him in the ribs to wake him up.(她用手指杵他的肋部把他叫醒。)

37、This rock sticks out; The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.(这块岩石伸出来了;遮阳蓬伸出几个脚在人行道上。)

38、The number of the personnel and the extent of the services and treatment conditions are specified in Annex VII to the Contract.(关于派遣人员的数量,服务范围以及任务条件已于合同附件VII中列明。)

39、Then Athaliah tore her robes and shouted, 'Treason!(亚他利雅就撕裂衣服,喊叫说,反了。)

40、Yet had he looked closer, the guard would have noticed something strange: the men were sweating and ashen-faced with fear.(然而,要是他离近点看,就会注意到一些奇怪的地方:这几个人浑身冒汗,脸色因害怕而变得灰白。)

41、It widened smoothly. Soon he'd made an aperture twenty-five centimeters across.(它顺利地变宽了,很快成了一个25公分的孔。)

42、His group has found hundreds of genes that encode enzymes which produce flavourings and aromatic compounds.(他的团队还揭秘了几百种酶的基因,正是这些酶的基因控制了造成浓郁口味和芬芳气味的化合物。)

43、The team is now a good mixture of experience and youth.(这支队伍现在是经验与年轻的一个良好结合体。)

44、Lurch eastward and westward like being drunk, dance without cease before the lamp. All movements in compliance with rhythms, with gesture of backhands akimbo like the crescent moon.(醉却东倾又西倒,双靴柔弱满灯前。环行急蹴皆应节,反手叉腰如却月。)


45、Brown was tried and convicted of treason.(布朗以叛国罪受到审讯及定罪。)

46、Staffing: Additions and attrition among the test team.(人员安排:在测试团队中的人员增加和削减。)

47、Here originated the Department to serve the askance world try to lure guests, along with the roaring surge, such as Pentium, Gunma, straight into the heart.(这里是睥睨天下的钱塘潮发源之处,伴随着阵阵轰鸣,涌浪如奔腾的群马,直入人心。)

48、The basket being large and heavy, Car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head, where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo.(篮子又大又重,卡尔为了走路方便些,就把篮子放在头顶上顶着,当她两手叉腰走路的时候,篮子就在她的头顶上危险地摇晃着。)

49、The life jacket failed to inflate.(救生衣未能充气。)

50、If not, your possessions are safest in a pocket with a button-down flap.(如果没有,你的物品放在有纽扣的口袋里是最安全的。)

51、Let us change the tense for convenience.(为了方便起见,我们把时态改一下。)

52、The defenders' artillery was posted to the rear of the main line of trenches.(防守一方的炮位被布置在这些主堑壕后方。)

53、Researchers often express awe at autism's complexity.(研究者常常对自闭症的复杂性显得有些胆怯。)

54、anticipate his arrival at four o 'clock.(我期待他4点钟到达。)

55、But in the age of the Internet, coverups arouse instant suspicion and are counter-productive.(但是,在互联网盛行的今天,掩盖事实会激起民众的怀疑并产生相反的结果。)

56、Talk about it among yourselves.(你们之间讨论讨论。)

57、Standing with arms akimbo, my mom criticized me for coming home too late.(我妈妈双手叉腰,为我晚到家骂我。)

58、Mario could crouch down, tuck his limbs into his shell and slide across the screen.(马里奥从此可以匍匐着把四肢收进壳里,滑行前进。)

59、He transferred to Germany, the traitor.(他转会去德国了,这个叛徒。)

60、spacious terrace shaded by an awning overlooks an interior courtyard.(该公寓有一座带雨篷的宽敞平台眺望着内庭。)

61、His decision comes after years of family strife and personal angst.(他的决定是经过数年与家人的争吵和个人的焦虑之后做出的。)

62、My uncle had his youthful spirit at 65.(舅舅65岁了,精神上依然年轻。)

63、When Peter, who had not paid much attention, saw her suddenly in her light attire, he grinned.(彼得本来没怎么注意她,突然看见她穿着一身轻便衣服,便咧嘴笑了。)

64、Thirteen, as we well know, is regarded with great awe and fear.(我们都知道,人们对十三这个数字充满敬畏和恐惧。)

65、Whither away so early, Little Red-Cap?(这么早出门去呀,小红帽?)

66、National chains that once ignored Harlem now anticipate yuppie money and want pieces of this prime Manhattan real estate.(曾经对哈莱姆区视而不见的全国性连锁企业,现在期待着雅皮士的钱,还想要占据曼哈顿的黄金地产。)