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John grinned boyishly.(约翰孩子气地咧嘴一笑。)~~你喜欢上面的短句吗?经过整理,笔墨评语网编辑为你呈上温柔文案短句干净英文(精选20句),希望能对你有所帮助,请收藏。

1、You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise?(你知道当你拍打肉的时候,它会发出声音吗?)

2、Their aims are coincident with ours.(他们的目标和我们的一致。)

3、Centuries later, Marsilio Ficino similarly promoted drinking young blood as a means for the elderly to regain their youthful vigor.(几个世纪后,马西里奥·菲奇诺同样提倡饮酒,以此作为老年人恢复年轻活力的一种手段。)

4、Switzerland isn't all cow bells and yodeling, you know.(你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声。)

5、He bought me a new coat.(他给我买了一件新外套。)

6、Interestingly, parents' attitudes toward education do not seem to reflect their own educational background as much as a belief in the importance of education for upward mobility.(有趣的是,父母对教育的态度似乎并没有反映出他们自己的教育背景,而是反映出他们相信教育对向上晋升的重要性。)

7、Oranges are a cross between tangerines and the pomelo or "Chinese grapefruit" (which is pale green or yellow) and were first grown in Southeast Asia.(橙子是柑橘和柚子或“中国柚子”(通常呈浅绿色或黄色)的杂交品种,最初在南亚种植。)

8、She prodded him in the ribs to wake him up.(她用手指杵他的肋部把他叫醒。)

9、Catherine was a pious, earnest woman.(凯瑟琳是位虔诚、真挚的女子。)

10、Many other raindrops fall at the same time, but our story is about just one raindrop.(许多其他的小雨滴也同时掉了下来,但是我们的故事只涉及到其中一滴。)

11、feel funny carrying this doll around.(我抱着这个娃娃到处走有点滑稽。)

12、At 6 p.m. there will be a reception and cash bar.(下午6点钟有招待会和饮料吧台。)

13、Do you know how to use chopsticks?(你会用筷子吗?)

14、He turned off the television, put on his coat, and walked out.(他关掉电视,穿上外套,走了出去。)

15、He paid a month's rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice.(他预交了一个月的房租,正好满足了房东的贪心。)

16、The sausage remained so long away, that they became uneasy, and the bird flew out to meet him.(香肠出去太久了,他们感到不安,小鸟飞出来找他。)

17、She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.(她飞速地抬眼看了看他,然后又垂下双眼。)

18、Whither away so early, Little Red-Cap?(这么早出门去呀,小红帽?)

19、I'm giving him a B minus.(我打算给他一个B-。)

20、John grinned boyishly.(约翰孩子气地咧嘴一笑。)