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1、Let us welcome the Year of the Dragon +10 with open arms and hearts full of hope and joy! 让我们以开放的臂膀和充满希望和快乐的心迎接龙年春节+10!

2、Wishing you a joyful and prosperous Year of the Dragon +10! 愿你在龙年春节+10倍的喜庆和繁荣中绽放!



5、愿龙年带给您美好的未来和无限的希望,好运连连,吉祥如意。[零思考方案网 WWW.03KkK.coM]



8、Wishing you a happy Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon 2025, with your family reunited, your work going smoothly, your body healthy and everything going well for you!

9、May the Year of the Dragon bring you happiness and prosperity. 祝你龙年快乐,事业有成。


11、Wishing you a prosperous and joyful Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon+10! 祝你在2025龙年春节繁荣富裕,欢乐无比!

12、I hope the Year of the Dragon brings you success, good health, and happiness.



15、May the New Year bring you an abundance of love, health, wealth and happiness! 祝福你新年爱情充沛、健康、财富丰厚、幸福安康!

16、Have a successful and fulfilling year ahead, with the blessings of the Dragon. 祝你在龙年里事业有成,圆满成功。

17、May the Year of the Dragon bring you good health, good luck and good fortune. 祝你龙年身体健康、好运连连、财神爷来家里转转!

18、Wishing you a wonderful Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon+10, filled with delicious food, warm gatherings, and good fortune! 祝你在2025龙年春节度过美好时光,品尝美味佳肴,享受温馨团聚,拥有好运!

19、May the dragon bring you good luck and blessings this Chinese New Year.

20、May the Year of the Dragon bring endless prosperity and happiness. Wishing you good health and joy for the whole family!

21、Congratulations on the new year. May you have peace, health, happiness, and good fortune in everything you do.

22、Happy Chinese New Year! May the dragon dance into your life with joy and prosperity.

23、May the Year of the Dragon bring you good fortune, happiness, and prosperity! Happy Spring Festival!


25、Wishing you a prosperous and auspicious Year of the Dragon. 祝你龙年旺旺,好事连连。