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1、Best wishes on National Day to all the heroes who fight for our country's freedom and prosperity! 祝那些为我们国家的自由和繁荣而战的英雄们国庆快乐!

2、Here’s to the prosperity and progress of our beloved nation on National Day!

3、Let's celebrate our country's rich tapestry of traditions and customs on National Day.

4、May this National Day be a time for us to come together as one people and support each other! 愿这个国庆节成为我们团结一心、互相支持的时刻!

5、Happy National Day! Let's continue to strive for excellence and greatness.

6、Let's cherish the hard-won achievements and glory of China on this National Day.

7、May this National Day be a time of reflection, appreciation, and gratitude.

8、Let's all come together to celebrate our national identity and heritage this National Day.

9、May China's glory and pride continue to shine bright on this National Day!

10、Let's all celebrate the remarkable progress and development of our country on this National Day.

11、Wishing you a happy and meaningful National Day with your loved ones!

12、May the enlightenment, empowerment, and innovation that made China great continue on this National Day.

13、Happy National Day! May our country continue to shine and prosper in the years to come.

14、Happy National Day! Let's work towards a more innovative and creative future.

15、May the youthful and vibrant spirit of China continue to inspire and energize the world on this National Day and beyond.

16、Let's cherish the unity and harmony of our country on National Day.

17、Happy National Day! Let's cherish our country's cultural and artistic heritage.

18、Happy 71st birthday, China!